This is the America which most of the world doesn’t see.
This is the America which most Americans don’t want to see.
This my generation’s gift to America’s future.

Published in: on February 22, 2011 at 1:23 pm  Comments (4)  

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4 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. It seems that a great catastrophe happened here. I guess that these places were degrading for many years. Very sad!

  2. Most of the damage was begun around 1977, and by the early 1980s Detroit began to be abandoned. Other northern industrial cities were hit hard, too but many of them have recovered to some degree. Detroit is still in decline.

    Thanks, Jola.

  3. A lot started here with the riots in 1967. Listen to the Gordon Lightfoot song “Black Day in July”. Between racism, corrupt politicians, the decline of the auto industry and other issues Detroit has had a long long fall.

    Did you notice the video dude seems to like boats.

    • What gets me is the Kent State massacre and how there was no great show of outrage from Joe Middleclass. Most people thought the students deserved being gunned down by Nixon stormtropper tactics. These same people cry “foul” when people like Sadam and Gadhafi shoot their own people. Americans are ignorant, stupid, and shameless.
      I wondered if he was casing the boats! LOL!

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